The two tensions that keep us going

I think that there are two main “tensions” that we feel as we go through our lives. The first tension surrounds and informs us; the second tension directs and compels us.


Attention (both in the sense of paying attention and the state of being “at” a tension) is the tension that suspends us away from the things around us. The attention we give to the people, movements, and change around us often acts as a sort of force field that either binds us to something or repels us from it. This can manifest as our tendency to align with the views our friends and family have about current events, whether on a global or local scale. The tension we feel to acknowledge and interact with our surroundings is felt differently by each person, but as long as we have dynamic changes around us, we will likely always feel this tension.


Intention (both in the sense of having intentions and the feeling of inner tension) is the tension that drags us toward our desired goals. If attention is the outward force being pressed against us, intention is the inward force being pressed against the world. Intention is essentially your own imposition on your surroundings, which can often have nothing to do with the status of your surroundings. Intention is about you and what you want to push for. It is the fuel of action, the motive behind the means, and the force that gives you being. I believe that everyone has this outward force, and no one can live without the power of intention.

“So, why do these matter?”

A concept crucial to meteorology is the existence of high-pressure zones and low-pressure zones. These zones create tension which can cause changes in the weather. Wind, rain, snow, and even thunderstorms are the results of high and low pressure zones coming in contact with each other. The outcome of their contact is based on differing environmental conditions, such as moisture in the air. I think this concept can also be applied to the two tensions we feel in our world. The space where the high pressure zone (intention) meets the low pressure zone (attention) is where all the magic happens. This space defines our being, the reality of our lives, and the actual state of our being. The context of the contact here determines the output of the input. What I mean by that is that we have a personal responsibility for how we regulate our own being.

We determine the environmental condition in between the high and low pressure zones. This means that we get to decide what we will be. Metaphorically, it could be snow, rain, thunder, etc. Practically, it could be hope, misery, peace, etc. While the tension of attention can make it feel like we have no ability to shape our surroundings, the truth is that rain falls on everyone the same. By giving mind to the environment we allow to permeate us, we can determine what outcome we cause on others. Without paying mind to this, you will lose control of the storms you unleash on those around you. A life of passivity in this regard is a waste of the naturally occurring energy of high and low pressure zones meeting.

While we may be similar to weather patterns in the analogy of high and low pressure zones, we are not like those patterns because we have a personal imposition that we place. While it is true that “God sends rain on the just and unjust alike”, we don’t have that same sort of third person state of neutrality. The truth is that human beings are vitriolic and turbulent. We can’t call it justice to allow our lives wreak blind havoc on people, because we can never truly be blind to it. We always show some sort of deference because of alllll this complicated nonsense going on inside of us.


The unchangeable facts are that there will be a pressure inside of us pushing outwards, and a pressure outside of us pushing inwards. The changeable status is the emotional, judgmental atmosphere that we allow to permeate us. All of these analogies and metaphorical illustrations are here to express this idea: You are responsible for the mindset and intentions you have. You are not responsible for the mindset and intentions of those around you, but you must pay attention to them. If you are careless with the ethics of your intent, or lack attention for the force of your surroundings, it will prove detrimental to those around you, because you are no longer in control of what you put out. Your nature will take the reins from your conscience and wreak havoc wherever it so pleases. This means we need to take captive every thought, and critically examine the thoughts we come across, so that we can have the right response in every situation and in every season.

I’ll have more thoughts cooking on this, and will likely do a follow up, because I definitely don’t think I’m doing this thought justice. Let me know if you have any comments or thoughts on this.

Thanks for not reading.


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